Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Did it Happen?

How did it happen?  I saw her, and felt her.  I was touched by her soul and weakened by her gaze.  She moved around me on a whisper of air that sent my senses soaring, yet I could not hold her.  She floated into my reach, but vanished before I could take hold of her. She danced in my mind, but I could not solidify the bond that I felt creating between us.  Her fear of the possibilities stood before me, and between us.  Nothing more could have stopped me from pursuing what was once only a dream. It became a real possibility, but I was unable to grasp the fantasy that hovered before me.  Was it love?  Who could know what could have been?  No one could reason why I felt so strongly and no one could convince me otherwise.  I am lost now, in a sea of emotion.  Set adrift in an ocean of feelings that wash over me, pull me under, spin me, and throw me, I am lost.  I can no longer pretend that what I feel is not real.  I can no longer hide behind my smile and my strength.  I am hurt deeply in ways that I cannot explain.  I am wounded mortally and am now waiting for the final blow of the sword to end the pain that I have found in my life.  I wish that I could go back and set right the wrongs that I facilitated against her.  I wish that I had one more chance to get to know the person who I once had these unfounded emotions for.  I wish I could understand how to make her see who I am, what I am, why I am?  I wish I could make her feel the things I feel.  I do not know why I am feeling the way I do.  I feel hopeless and lost in this moment, trapped in myself and in my words.  An angel once stood before me, and I let her slip back to heaven without ever being able to touch her heart as she touched mine.  A shared kiss, a shared moment, the feeling of her hand in mine, these things I cherish.  The sound of her voice, it echoes in my ears and rings deep into my soul shining its light onto the darkest parts of my existence.  Provide me with a chance, and I will move the world for you.  Give me but a second, and I will grab the moon from the sky with a rope made of stars.  I will fight through the perils of hell to reach you, and I will destroy the devil himself to hold you.  I will never let the memory of that day slip from my mind.  I will never give up my dream.  I pray that someday you will see me for what I have to offer you, and hope that your heart will allow me to enter and make my home there forever.

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